Omicron Delta Kappa maintains strict brand standards to ensure that, across the country, all circles are communicating in a consistent manner. Public relations and marketing chairs, as well as circle coordinators and faculty advisors, should be familiar with these guidelines. If you have questions about implementing our brand standards, please contact the director for communications and marketing.
Full-Color Vertical Logo
The Omicron Delta Kappa logo should be reproduced in its preferred full-color design whenever possible. This helps to build brand consistency.
One-Color Vertical Logo
In situations where the logo cannot be reproduced accurately or when the surface or background on which the logo has been applied does not provide sufficient contrast, the one-color or reversed-out versions may be used.
Horizontal Logo
We offer a horizontal version of the logo that works well on stationary, form letters, and horizontal banners.
Stacked Logo
We offer a stacked version of the logo that utilizes the Greek letters, without the laurel wreath. The stacked logo should only be used for promotional items such as apparel.
Crest Logo
The crest version of the logo may be used for publications, social media, and promotional items with permission from National Headquarters.
Seal and Key
The O∆K seal and key are not to be used by circles. The key is reserved for use by National Headquarters only. The seal exists only on official documents such as charters and membership certificates.
It’s very important that the logo be scaled proportionally. Do not size the logo one way and not let it scale the other. This will make the logo look skewed or stretched.
Also, follow these guidelines for resizing the logo. When it is sized too small, it becomes unreadable. If you are printing something exceptionally tiny, you should use the simplified logo with only the Greek letters, and not the laurel wreath.
The distance between the laurel and the logotype is 1 line of space, and the distance between “The National Leadership Honor Society” and the circle name is 3 lines of space.
Common Mistakes
The type, proportion, and position of the logo’s elements are fixed. Do not modify them for any reason. Do not stretch, outline, or rotate the logo. All of these examples are improper uses of the logo:
Our fonts are in the Goudy Old Style family. The 1914 used inside the laurel wreath is Myriad Pro Regular. The Goudy Old Style family should be used in any printed publications. Online, you’ll want to use Goudy Old Style as an accent font, for headings and such. In situations where Goudy Old Style is not available, use another serif font in its place. To view the full list of fonts and color options, click here.
In a paragraph, when referencing the organization by its initials, it is preferable to refer to the organization as O∆K, not ODK. Here’s how to make the Greek letter ∆ on your computer:
- For a Mac user, the font should be Times Regular or Times New Roman for the Greek letters. To type the letters in Greek form (O∆K), the user must type option J to make the Delta symbol.
- For a PC user, the font doesn’t matter (although Goudy Old Style is the preference). To type the Delta, just go to Insert on the Menu bar and then select the Delta symbol from the drop down box.