Circle Bylaws (template) – Revised Feb. 2022
Every circle must operate from a set of locally approved bylaws. This template is provided as a guide and includes all aspects of governance that the national organization expects in circle bylaws. Please email your approved bylaws to your circle contact so that we may keep a copy on file.
Charter Relationship Statement 2019
This document defines and clarifies the relationship between the host institution, the circle, the national organization, and the National Headquarters.
The 13 O∆K Circle Minimum Standards synthesize the various bylaws and policies that require specific action by the circles in one list. These minimum standards will be the basis by which the national organization considers a circle “in good standing.” Only circles in good standing will be eligible for Clay Grants, Gift of Membership, and Circle Recognition Awards.
The Board of Trustees also follows requirements as set out by the Omicron Delta Kappa Board Policy Manual. Each circle must adhere to policies and procedures.
Articles of Incorporation and National Bylaws
The Articles of Incorporation and the National Bylaws include detailed information about the governing committees of the organization.