Endowment funds for Omicron Delta Kappa are held by the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation, Inc. As of June 30, 2022, there were 19 funds managed and held by the organization with a total value of $2,367,947. Included among the endowed fund are more than 20 scholarships, several circle grants, one for national awards, and two for programs and operations. The minimum amount necessary to establish an endowed scholarship fund is $25,000. The minimum amount for establishing an endowed circle fund is $10,000. After an initial donation is made, the endowment minimum must be reached within a five-year period.
Investment Manager
Omicron Delta Kappa’s endowment funds are managed by the Investment Subcommittee of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees with the guidance of outside investment counsel.
Endowment Spending
The Investment Spending Policy for endowments managed by Omicron Delta Kappa allows for a distribution of up to five percent on a four-year rolling average, calculated annually on December 31. These amounts are included in the budget for the following fiscal year. The revenue from these investments provide funds for general scholarships and relieves the annual/operating fund from responsibility for scholarships. In addition, budgeting for the named funds and their programs is based on this same spending policy and calculations.
Investment Policy
Omicron Delta Kappa’s investment policy may be reviewed below.