There are a number of important ways you can support OΔK (Tax ID number: 61-1216165). Some strategies below are effective ways of investing in Omicron Delta Kappa.
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer a matching gift program. For every dollar you donate to Omicron Delta Kappa, your employer may be willing to do the same. Ask your employer about the paperwork you need to complete to qualify for a matching gift.
Monthly Contributions
With OΔK’s Gift Express, it’s easier than ever to contribute to Omicron Delta Kappa as a monthly sustainer! You simply determine how much each month. Specify the amount to be withdrawn and the date on the Monthly Gift Express Form, and donations will be debited from your account twelve times a year. A minimum gift of $19.14 per month is requested.
Want to be recognized in the prestigious Leadership Circle? While an annual gift of $1,000 might be out of reach with a single gift, if divided into 12 monthly gifts of $83.33, you can see your name listed on the Leadership Council list in the annual honor roll of donors.
Stocks and Bonds
There can be tax benefits for transferring highly appreciated stock to a nonprofit organization. Once transmitted, the stock is sold immediately to use the proceeds to fund programs and initiatives per the directions of the donor. Contact Jennifer L. Waller, president and chief executive officer, at (540) 458-5340 or [email protected] for more information. Be sure to consult your accountant or tax advisor for additional information. To view O∆K’s instructions, click here.
A pledge is simply a promise. Generally, donors will commit to giving a particular dollar amount over some duration of time. Pledges can help donors manage their giving, and can help OΔK plan for the future. Make a pledge payment here.
In-Kind Gifts
The right in-kind gift can go a long way toward helping support our leadership programs, and it is a particularly great way for local businesses to support OΔK – particularly in communities where our workshops and conventions are located. In-kind gifts may be eligible for a tax donation receipt.
OΔK’s tax identification number is 61-1216165. For more information about giving, please read Omicron Delta Kappa’s gift acceptance policies.