Navigating 21st Century Leadership
The 2021 National Leadership Conference will be entirely online. The Planning Team is creating an interactive, yet virtual, experience for all members of OΔK. Sessions targeted at lifetime members will be complemented by keynote speakers and special sessions for collegiate members and circle officers. This truly will be a conference for the whole Society. Click here to go to the conference website.
April 8-10, 2021
The conference will be presented online through EventMobi and Zoom.
NLC Planning Team
Alexis Martinez, Conference Chair,
Alex Beato, Chair – Marketing,
Érin Blette Chair, Programming,
Ashley Hendricks, Chair – Programming,
Eric Wilken, Chair – Technology,
Zachary Ranes, Chair – Assessment,
EveMarie Bessenbach. Chair – Sponsorships,
To volunteer, complete the National Leadership Conference Volunteer Application.
All the planning will be for nothing if members do not attend. Start working with your circle to have at least two student leaders and one advisor to attend this life-changing leadership opportunity.
Contact Tim Reed ( or Alexis Martinez (, or more information.