By attendance at an Omicron Delta Kappa sponsored event as a representative of my circle and my institution, I accept the responsibility for my actions and for
my personal growth during the event.
- While participating in any Omicron Delta Kappa event, I will do the following:
- Attend all sessions with a positive attitude;
- Wear my nametag to all events, but not away from the host site for safety reasons;
- Embrace the numerous opportunities to network;
- Appropriately share my experiences on social media;
- Respect the presenters and conference planners by being on time for all sessions and events;
- Abide by all state, and local laws; Omicron Delta Kappa policies and procedures; and, any applicable facility policies including those regarding any controlled substance with the understanding that violation of any of these laws or policies in public areas or accommodations may result in the immediate expulsion from the event without refund as well as notification to your circle and institution;
- Dress appropriately for each occasion during the convention; and,
- Live the values of OΔK throughout the event.
By my registration and attendance at any Omicron Delta Kappa sponsored and delivered event:
- I grant to Omicron Delta Kappa, its representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of me
and my property in connection with the above-identified subject. - I authorize Omicron Delta Kappa, its assigns, and transferees to use photographs or images provided by
me in connection with the above-identified subject. - I authorize Omicron Delta Kappa, its assigns, and transferees to copyright, use, and publish the same in
print and/or electronically. - I agree that Omicron Delta Kappa may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any
lawful purpose, including for such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.
Please contact Timothy Reed, vice president for membership and operations, [email protected], if you have any questions or concerns about this agreement.