In addition to completing an application to establish a new Circle, you must submit a petition, proposed bylaws and applicable fees. The Circle’s petition must include the following pieces of information:
An Introductory Statement, including:
- “We, the undersigned student and faculty members of (name of college or university), respectfully petition the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees for a charter for a Circle of the Society at this institution. We are fully acquainted with the requirements of the Society and truly believe that each of us is eligible for membership.”
- “Our reasons for petitioning for a charter as a Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa Society are as follows (state the reasons briefly).”
- The signatures of the petitioners, including at least 15 students, at least four faculty (professional staff and administrators are considered “faculty” for OΔK purposes), and if desired, alumni of OΔK caliber.
- Names of officers of the campus petitioning group including a Circle Coordinator and a Faculty Advisor. All other officers should be students since joint student-faculty participation and responsibility in OΔK are key features of the Society’s organization and function.
College and University Descriptive Data, including:
- A brief historical statement about the institution (can usually be found in your college/university catalogue).
- Whether the institution is public, private, or denominational.
- A list of the associations through which the institution is accredited.
- Highest level of training provided, such as:
- Bachelor’s and/or first professional degree
- Master’s and/or second professional degree
- Doctor of Philosophy and equivalent degrees
- Number of teaching faculty members (full and part-time).
- Current student enrollment statistics, including full and part-time, number of men and women, by classes in colleges and/or schools, and demographics.
- Brief description of institutional student personnel/student development services.
Organizations at the Institution
- Names and purposes of national and local honor societies currently on the campus (if any).
Letters of Endorsement
One letter of endorsement from the office that will oversee the leadership honor society and one letter from an executive officer of the university. Additional letters of endorsement from administrators, faculty or staff may be submitted as needed. The letters must state, among other things, that there is a definite place for Omicron Delta Kappa in the life of your college or university and that the petitioning group is eligible for membership in terms of character, class status (junior, senior, graduate student), leadership attainment and academic standing (top 35% of their respective class). It is advisable to include letters from the chief academic and student affairs officers of the university. Faculty from the petitioning group may also author letters of endorsement.
For online submission of the petition for a new circle, click online petition.