The Board of Trustees of the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation has five governing committees that are open to collegiate and lifetime members for appointment. They are described below.
Development Committee
The standing Development Committee is comprised of at least seven members, each appointed by the Board Chair to serve for a term of one year. The Development Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. Non-Trustees may serve on the committee, but the majority of the committee shall be composed of Trustees.
The Development Committee has two subcommittees which will be charged with establishing the following:
- An annual giving subcommittee which takes a leadership role in Trustee solicitation, recruiting a chair for the annual fund campaign, and assisting the committee chair in securing annual gifts at a leadership level, and
- A major gifts and planned giving subcommittee which focuses on assisting with the identification, cultivation, and solicitation of major gift and planned giving prospects, and its work is coordinated with or folded in to any campaign the Society shall conduct.
The Development Committee also considers how the fundraising initiatives of the Society will support a diverse and inclusive membership and how the philanthropic dollars received will be disbursed in a fair and equitable manner.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee is comprised of up to 16 members including the National Diversity Officer who serves as chair. The National Diversity Officer is a member of the Board of Trustees. The other members of the committee are be appointed by the Board Chair to serve a term of three years. Non-Trustees may serve on the committee. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee identifies activities and practices that support the recruitment, involvement, and engagement of a multicultural membership. The committee establishes and evaluates the benchmarks for diversity and inclusion found within Omicron Delta Kappa at all levels of the organization. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee also develops programmatic recommendations related to topics of leading in a diverse world and supporting leadership development in marginalized student populations.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is comprised of at least five members including the National Treasurer who serves as chair. The other members of the committee are appointed by the Board Chair to serve for a term of one year. Non-Trustees may serve on the committee, but the majority of the committee shall be composed of Trustees.
The Finance Committee develops and recommends to the Board of Trustees those financial principles, plans, and courses of action that provide for mission accomplishment and organizational financial well-being. Consistent with this responsibility, it reviews the proposed annual budget and submit it to the Board for its approval. In addition, the committee makes recommendations with regard to the level and terms of indebtedness, cash management, risk management, financial monitoring and reports, employee benefit plans, signatory authority for expenditures, and other policies that the committee determines are advisable for effective financial management of the Society.
Specifically, the Finance Committee is charged with the following:
- Developing and monitoring the annual budget,
- Reviewing quarterly financial statements,
- Engaging and overseeing the Society’s auditor and receiving the auditor’s report,
- Ensuring that the Society has adequate risk protection for its Trustees and officers and comprehensive general liability insurance coverage, and
- Monitoring investment performance throughout the year and, if constituted, receiving advice from an investment subcommittee.
The Finance Committee also considers how the financial administration of the Society will support a diverse and inclusive membership and how the resources of the Society will be disbursed in a fair and equitable manner.
Governance and Trusteeship Committee
The Governance and Trusteeship Committee is comprised of of at least five members chaired by the Board Chair-Elect. The other members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board Chair to serve for a term of one year. Non-Trustees may serve on the committee, but the majority of the committee shall be composed of Trustees.
The Governance and Trusteeship Committee is charged with the following:
- Identifying, educating, cultivating, recruiting, nominating, orienting, mentoring, and evaluating members of the Board of Trustees,
- Recommending a policy statement on the role and responsibilities of Trustees,
- Annually recommending the strategic goals and objectives for the Society in consultation with the officers and other standing committees, and
- Regularly reviewing the Society’s then current articles of incorporation and bylaws.
The Governance and Trusteeship Committee also provides oversight on matters pertaining to governance issues and processes including long-range planning. The committee examines how the Board of Trustees is functioning, how Board of Trustees members communicate, and whether the Board of Trustees is fulfilling its responsibilities and living up to the objectives and aspirations set for itself and the organization. The Governance and Trusteeship Committee also considers how the trusteeship recruitment practices lead to the establishment of a diverse and inclusive board reflective of the membership in the Society. The Governance and Trusteeship Committee will also consider how the Society’s governing documents convey the organization’s commitment to social justice, fairness, and equity in all of its operations.
Mission Committee
There is a standing Mission Committee. The committee members are appointed by the Board Chair to serve for a term of one year. The committee chair is the faculty and staff trustee serving in his or her second year on the Board. All faculty and staff trustees serve on the Mission Committee. Non-trustees may serve on the Mission Committee. The committee is charged with thinking strategically about matters related to the extension of new campuses, including those that serve underrepresented populations. In addition, the committee addresses the health and vitality of existing circles and their members and coordinates the annual review of the Omicron Delta Kappa Policies and Procedures Handbook. Furthermore, the committee maintains the standard of membership throughout the Society. It reviews all applications from institutions for establishing a circle on their campus under the Omicron Delta Kappa Policies and Procedures Handbook. The Mission Committee also considers how extension practices, membership requirements, circle standards, policies, and procedures of the Society support a diverse and inclusive membership.
The Mission Committee has three subcommittees.
- Membership Standards – review standards for membership, circle operations, and the general programming
- Policies and Procedures – reviews and recommends changes to the OΔK Policies and Procedures Handbook, National Bylaws, and other governing documents
- Extension – works with OΔK staff to review and approve all applications to charter new circles.
Individuals interested in serving on a governing committee of the Society should contact President and Chief Executive Officer Jennifer L. Waller ([email protected]).