Among the most unique characteristics of our Society are the “five phases of campus life” – scholarship, athletics, campus/community service, media/journalism and the performing arts – which we celebrate during initiations at 300 Circles nationally each year. In fact, this past year we celebrated the five phases by honoring Barron Frazier (Hampden-Sydney College), Matthew Horn (Winthrop University), Melissa McCoy (Georgia Institute of Technology), Elle Rathbun (St. Lawrence University) and Christen Vallimont (Grove City College), each of whom embodied one of the five phases as part of the National Leader of the Year program.
In Charlotte, I announced the appointment of a small working group, Chaired by National Student Vice President Steve Binninger, tasked with identifying national organizations which share a mutual interest in any of the five phases of campus life. I am pleased that NAC Member Katharine Amato, ODK Foundation Trustee Michael Giles and At-Large Board Member Dr. Melvina King have agreed to serve as members of the ad hoc committee on strategic alliances.
It is my hope that through the work of this group, we will be able to forge new strategic partnerships with organizations that celebrate and value our Society’s five phases of campus life Think NCAA for athletics, USA Today for media and journalism, and other such outlets that share a common interest with ODK.
The members of the ad hoc group have already begun identifying organizations with which ODK can forge lasting strategic alliances, I encourage you to recommend organizations that you believe share a mutual interest with our Society with Steve Binninger by email at [email protected].
Steve will provide updates on the group’s work through the blog in the coming weeks.
There is no better way to ensure ODK’s continued viability as a the premier leadership honor society than by identifying organizations that share our desire to honor the five phases of campus life upon which our Society was founded 98 years ago.