Individual Fees
National Initiation Fee – $94.00
The National Initiation Fee is paid only at the time of joining ODK. This fee covers the membership pin and certificate as well as access to all member benefits. For student initiates, membership benefits expire one calendar year after graduation. For all other initiates, membership benefits expire one calendar year from the initiation date.
Annual Membership Fee – $50
After the initiate period, the Annual Membership fee is required to maintain active status and access to benefits and services. Active Annual members receive renewal notices beginning one month before their active expiration date. See Membership Status
Legacy Membership Fee – $500
Legacy Membership entitles members to the full benefits of active membership without a renewal process. Legacy members will also have access to special programs and services designed just for them. See Membership Status
Institutional Fees
Institutional Membership Fee (IMF) – $200
This fee supports programs including, but not limited to, circle consultation visits and the annual conference. All institutions with a circle are required to pay this fee even if they do not participate in these specific programs or initiate members during the year. Circles that do not pay this fee may be classified as inactive. Inactive circles are not eligible for grants or circle recognition and may be charged additional fees for O∆K programs.
Circles will be invoiced for the IMF one month prior to the month in which it generally holds its initiation ceremony. For example, if the initiation ceremony is generally held in October, the circle will be invoiced in September. If a circle initiates twice annually, the invoice will be sent one month prior to the first initiation. Invoices are sent to the circle coordinator and circle treasurer on the 15th day of the month. If the 15th is a weekend, the invoice will be sent on the prior Friday. This process ensures transparency and gives you ample time to prepare for the payment.
Charter Application and Institutional Chartering Fees
The process to charter a new Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa now requires two separate fees.
A non-refundable Charter Application Fee of $1,000 is required at the time of formal application. This ensures that the circle is fully prepared for the chartering process and that the costs associated with the administration of a chartering process are covered.
The Institutional Chartering Fee of $4,000 will be assessed when the Institution submits the final Petition for Charter. This fee is fully refundable if the Board of Trustees votes not to grant the circle a charter. The Institutional Chartering Fee covers the cost of the ceremonial key, record book, ODK staff travel, and general support for the newly established circle’s post-chartering support.
If you have questions about any of the fees, contact Ellen Pennine, Financial Services Manager ([email protected]).