This award, named for Andristine M. Robinson, is presented annually to an individual, circle, institution, or program that has demonstrated or fostered a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes diversity and inclusion within O∆K circles or nationally. The Robinson Award is intended to celebrate individuals who have provided long and significant service in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusivity. It may also be given to those circles, institutions, or programs that have made a noticeable and measurable positive contribution in terms of campus culture and embracing the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
Award nominees should reflect the work done by Andristine Robinson, in the multiple capacities in which she served Omicron Delta Kappa. She was the 2006-12 National Vice President for Extension, a 2016-19 member of the Foundation Board of Trustees, and a 2019-20 member of the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees. Robinson was also the long-time advisor to the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Circle. She has also chaired or been a member of numerous Society and Foundation committees and task forces through her long association with O∆K. Robinson was named the 2023 recipient of the John “Jack” D. Morgan Award for Lifetime Service to Omicron Delta Kappa. She has been an active leader with NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education.
The award seeks to recognize excellence in the following:
- Embedding diversity and inclusiveness into circle operations and activities
- Recruiting and retaining of an excellent and diverse faculty, staff and/or students to be members of O∆K circles
- Fostering equality of opportunity within O∆K circles
- Encouraging diverse perspectives within O∆K circles
- Creating a welcoming and supportive O∆K circles through efforts such as visibility, communication, and education
The first recipient of the award is Andristine M. Robinson. The 2023 receipient of the award is Benjamin M. Williams (Georgia State University, 2011). Information about past recipients may be found here and here. Nomination process details are below.
The timeline for the nominations is as follows:
January 3, 2025 Awards nominations open
March 1, 2025 Nominations close at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern)
To nominate an institution, member, circle, or program for the Andristine M. Robinson Champion Award complete the form below.