Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the 2019 Conclave. Please feel free to contact the ODK National Headquarters ([email protected]) if you do not see an answer to your question. As we get more, we will post the question and the answer.
Scroll Down for information about Purpose, Attendance, Finances, Accommodation and Meals, Transportation, and Arriving/Departing
What is a conclave?
A conclave is a gathering of the members of the circles for the expressed purpose of governance. In this case, the 2019 O∆K Conclave is to consider and vote on changes to the governing and legal structure of the national organization. This is not a traditional leadership conference. It is more like a “stockholders” meeting where only delegates will be permitted to vote on the measures presented.
The delegates will consider new articles of incorporation for the organization and new national bylaws. See the information under the Conclave/Governance tab.What is being decided?
By our current bylaws, the conclave is open to all O∆K members; however, only one delegate from each circle will be permitted to vote. O∆K will only cover the registration, lodging, and meal cost for the delegate. Circles will need to cover transportation and other expenses for the delegate. Because of the nature of the conclave, OΔK is only covering the meal, lodging, and materials for the official delegate. We have made provisions that another individual may attend with the official delegate but the circle or individual will have to cover all the hotel, meals, and travel expenses. We estimate the hotel and meals to be $300.Who can attend?
Each circle must select their delegate through an open process such as a nomination or election.How is the delegate chosen?
Once the delelgate is selected by the circle, a circle advisor will submit the Delegate Nomnation Form before March 1, 2019. Within 24 hours, the nominated delegate will receive instructions and a password protected link to register.How will the delegate register?
As long as a delegate is officially nominated by the deadline (March 1, 2019), a circle may make a substitution until Friday, March 22, 2019. After March 22, no substitutions will be permitted.What if we need to change our delegate?
Delegates need to attend one of four planned webinars. For times see the schedule. To register, click here.How do I sign up for the required delegate webinars?
Omicron Delta Kappa will cover all hotel, meal, and material expenses for the conclave. The circle or conclave delegate is required to cover all travel expenses to and from Charlotte (airline and ground transportation).What costs for attending are being covered by the national organization?
O∆K will book the rooms for everyone attending (delegates, attendees, board members, advisros, and staff). All student delegates will be booked in double rooms (2 beds). Faculty/staff delegates and attendees will be booked into single rooms. O∆K will handle all reservations.How does accommodation work?
The conclave will take place at the Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park, 5700 Westpark Dr, Charlotte, NC 28217.Where is the Conclave hotel?
O∆K will provide dinner on Friday, breakfast, morning break, and lunch for Saturday. All meals during travel will be the responsibility of the delegates/participants. Although it was on the registration form, please make sure Tim Reed ([email protected]) knows an special dietary needs. We must arranges for special meals in advance and it is very hard to plan meals it we do not know yoiur needs.What meals are provided?
Collegiate delegates will share rooms two delegates per room (2 queen beds). Advisor delegatgesd will be assigned single rooms (king room). Special requests will only be considered until March 6, 2019. If a substitution is made after March 6, it must be the same gender designation as the original delegate.will provide dinner on Friday, breakfast, morning break, and lunch for Saturday. All meals during travel will be the responsibility of the delegates/participants.How will accommodations work?
Transportration arrangements must be handled by the traveler. If you are flying, you should book your flight into Charlotte-Douglass International Airport (CLT). If you are driving, the hotel is located at 5700 Westpark Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28217 and is just a few blocks from the Tyvola Road/Interstate 77 interchange.How do I get to the Conclave?
Yes. The Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park provides a free shuttle from and to the airport. The airport is about 15 minutes from the hotel. When you arrive, call 704-527-9650 to arrange for the shuttle. You will need to wait at loading Zone B outside the baggage claim. Uber, Lyft and taxis all service the area but O∆K will not reimburse you for those costs.Is there an airport shuttle?
Conclave attendees should plan travel to arrive no later than 6:00 p.m on Friday, March 29. Dinner will begin around 6:30 p.m. and the program will begin around 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, the program will not end until 12:00 noon. If you are flying, you should not plan your departing flight before 2:30 p.m.When should I arrive?
When you arrive, call the Crowne Plaza number 704-527-9650. They will send a shuttle. Pick up will be a Loading Zone B near baggage claim. When you leave, the shuttle will be outside the main entrance and will make runs to the airport every 20 minutes.How do I catch the Hotel/Airport Shuttle?
On Saturday, the program will not end until 12:00 p.m. If you are flying, you should not plan your departing flight before 2:30 p.m. If you are driving, anytime after 1:00 p.m. will work. If you plan to stay over until Sunday, contact Tim Reed to makespecial arrangements.When can I depart?
The dress for the conclave is “spirit casual.” Show pride in your school or your O∆K circle by wearing school or ODK gear. General business casual attire will be fine as well. We will be taking lots of photos and you want to lookl good for the O∆K PR efforts!What is the dress for the Conclave?
Yes, it is why we asked for your size. We might even try to get a photo with as many attendees in T-shirts as we can on Saturday after we sign the new O∆K “charter.”Will I get a T-shirt?
This FAQ page is updated regularly. If you have a question, please send it to [email protected]. If we receive similar questions, we will add these questions to the FAQ.