The Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation, Inc.
Board of Trustees
Roles and Responsibilities for At-Large Trustees
One of the primary missions of the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation, Inc. is to develop a philanthropic community that supports the leadership programs and capabilities of O∆K and its members. In furtherance of this mission, the organization accepts gifts; manages the investment of endowments; and ensures that contributions are used consistent with donor intent. In doing so, the O∆K Society and Educational Foundation strives to promote, nurture, and expand the culture of support for Omicron Delta Kappa.
The O∆K Society and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees seeks individuals who are committed to support the organization’s work with their time, talent, and treasure. The expectations for non-elected/non-appointed officer trustees are detailed below so that those who authorize their names to be considered for nomination may do so with a clear understanding of the commitments they will be making to Omicron Delta Kappa.
The board meets four times a year, normally once in person and three times electronically. Meetings are scheduled a year in advance. Each trustee serves on one of the five core committees (Development; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity; Finance; Governance and Trusteeship; and Mission) which normally meet four times per year. Preparation for and participation in board and committee meetings will typically require the equivalent of three to four days depending on travel time. Additional duties such as cultivation and solicitation visits, orientation, and mentoring may take an additional one to two days.
All trustees must have the financial and governance acuity to meet their fiduciary responsibilities as board members. In addition, the board’s work requires leadership skills in development, finance, and trusteeship, and each trustee serves on a committee aligned with that individual’s interest or expertise.
Each trustee is expected to make a minimum annual gift of $2,500. In addition, each trustee is expected to pledge a major gift ($25,000 or more) during the trustee’s time on the board and/or make a provision for the organization in the individual’s estate plans. In addition, each trustee is expected to cover all expenses related to travel to attend board meetings. Also, each member of the board is invited to solicit five individuals each year on behalf of the Society.
Members of the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees serve a term of three years and may be re-elected for a second consecutive term. Individuals are not eligible for election to an additional term until one year after the second term expires. Upon election to the Board of Trustees, new board members are provided with a formal orientation.
Individuals with an interest in serving as an At-Large Trustee should contact President/CEO Jennifer L. Waller at [email protected] to schedule a call to discuss this opportunity.