The National Awards Committee has completed its selection of the 2020 Maurice A. Clay Leadership Initiative Grant recipients.
The committee has awarded 12 Clay grants, two DEI grants, and two endowed circle grants. The recipients and amount awarded are indicated in alphabetical order below.
Clay Leadership Development Initiative Grants
- Cabrini University, Microcredentials for the 7 Cs of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, $700
- Cumberland University, Erasing Hate through Understanding, $500
- Dalton State College, Super Powers 101, $500
- East Carolina University, Injustices in Communities: The Lumbee Tribe, $600
- Fontbonne University, Giving Back and Getting More: Alumni-Scholarship & Mentorship Program, $500
- Hampden-Sydney College, Professional Development Workshop on Leadership through Effective Communication, $500
- Middle Tennessee State University, ODK Leadership Lending Library, $500
- Stockton University, Leadership Lunch Series: Lead With Your Clifton Strengths, $500
- University of Central Florida, U-LEAD Lead Out Loud, Latinx, and Pride Programs, $300
- University of Maryland, College Park, Sigma Circle LinkedIn Workshop, $300
- University of South Carolina, ODK Leadership Development Dialogue, $300
- University of Virginia, Meet, Engage, & Swap, $500
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Grants
- Shenandoah University, University-wide Facilitator Training Program for Diversity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice, $600
- University of Massachusetts Lowell, Diversity Peer Champions, $700
Endowed Circle Grants
- University of Richmond, Spider First Mentor Leadership Development, $500
- Washington and Lee University, W&L Monacan Immersion Program, $500
- We congratulate all the circles that applied for their efforts to provide meaningful leadership experiences to their students and their campuses.
A special thanks to the members of the 200-21 National Awards Committee for volunteering their time to review and select our Clay Grant recipients.