Meet Peter Christiaans, a seasoned leader and dedicated member of Omicron Delta Kappa since 1993. Peter’s journey began at the University of Miami, where he earned his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Master of Business Administration degrees. Currently serving as the Board chair and chair of O∆K’s Executive Committee, Peter’s commitment to excellence…
Bracketology 2024 – Cheer on Your Team and Your Circle
Beginning in 2013, when then National President Mike Christakis (Alfred University, 1998) started the practice, our Society has tried to predict the winner of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship by using our own special O∆K methodology: If one team’s school has a circle and the other school’s team does not, the school with the circle…
Anthony R. Foxx Named Omicron Delta Kappa’s 2023 Laurel Crowned Circle Award Winner
Honored For a Life of Leadership Lexington, Va. (January 30, 2024) –On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, in a ceremony hosted by Davidson College, The Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees presented former Secretary of Transportation Anthony R. Foxx (Davidson College, 2006) the 2023 Laurel Crowned Circle Award. Matthew Clifford (Davidson College,…
O∆K Holiday Closing
The OΔK National Headquarters will observe the following holiday closings.* Winter Holiday Thursday, December 21, 2023 – Monday, January 1, 2024: Office closed Tuesday, January 2, 2024: Resume normal business hours *All times Eastern Standard Time For emergencies during closing, contact Timothy Reed, Vice President, at, (540) 458-5345 or (804)-305-8443.
Omicron Delta Kappa Welcomes Four New Trustees
The Board of Trustees for Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society recently announced the election of four new individuals to the board. The board is the policy-making body of O∆K and has authority for the governance of the Society. The new trustees began their terms on July 1, 2023. The recently elected trustees…
ODK is Hiring!
The Society seeks its newest team member, an Assistant Director for Membership Services (ADMS). The ADMS will serve as a membership development and retention champion for the Society’s more than 300,000 lifetime members and the 250 active circles (chapters). As a member of the National Headquarters team for the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and Educational…
Omicron Delta Kappa Selects Jennifer L. Waller as its Next President and Chief Executive Officer
Lexington, Va. (April 26, 2023) – Jennifer L. Waller has been selected as the new president and chief executive officer of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. Waller has served as the director of special projects for the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International since 2022. Before her work with…