In This Issue – MyODK | Online Communities | Student and Faculty/Staff Representatives on the O∆K Board of Trustee | Circle Leader of the Year | Charlie Life and Leadership Academy | OΔK HQ Holiday Closing
UPDATE: The launch of MyODK has been delayed to ensure that all the necessary components are working and we have time to train circle officers on the various functions.
At this time, any circle initiating in January or February 2024 AND any circle that has already begun their application process will continue to use the legacy Membership Management System (MMS). Circles initiating members in March 2024 or later will move to the new system in January 2024 after the circle officers are trained.
MyODK will be the application submission and review system for circles, replacing the Membership Management System (MMS). Every circle that begins its initiation cycle after February 29, 2024, will be required to use MyODK.
We are scheduling training sessions for MyODK in January and February 2024. Look for a special announcement about those dates in the near future.
We are sorry that the launch date keeps getting pushed back, but we would prefer to have a product that is fully developed and circle officers trained to use it.
OΔK Online Communities
OΔK launched our newest online community, Discord, during the National Leadership Conference. OΔK’s private Discord server is intended to function as a networking hub for its members. The OΔK Discord server serves as an exclusive platform for members to connect for events, post and search for volunteer, internship, or job opportunities, gain academic support, and socialize with one another free of time zone or scheduling limitations. Join our community today!
Student and Faculty/Staff Representatives on the O∆K Board of Trustees
Omicron Delta Kappa is seeking the next faculty/staff and student trustees for our Board of Trustees. Student trustees and faculty/staff trustees have just as much authority and responsibility as our other board members. They attend our quarterly board meetings and voice the concerns of our collegiate members and advisors as policies and procedures are developed for O∆K. To be eligible to serve, student trustees need to plan to be enrolled in a degree program during the Spring semester. One does not need to be enrolled throughout the three years of service as a student trustee. Faculty/staff trustees need to either be current or former circle coordinators or faculty advisors. Each trustee serves for a term of three years. The Society covers expenses for the in-person meetings of the board for student and faculty/staff trustees. Nominations for both positions are open.
- The deadline for faculty/staff trustee nominations and applications is January 15, 2024.
- The deadline for student trustee nominations and applications is January 30, 2024.
Circle Leader of the Year
In June 2022, the Board of Trustees voted to change the process by which Omicron Delta Kappa selects the National Leader of the Year (NLOY) and when circles select the Circle Leader of the Year.
The Circle Leader of the Year (CLOY) honor is no longer a gateway to the NLOY. For that reason, the CLOY process has been moved to the winter and spring. Circles are still expected to select a CLOY – a person dedicated to the circle’s leadership and success. The circle then notifies the National Headquarters of its selection. The CLOY recipients will receive a signed certificate suitable for framing, be recognized on the O∆K website and through social media, and be recognized at the National Leadership Conference.
Submissions for the CLOY open on January 1, 2024, and close on May 31, 2024.
We hope to have every circle select a Circle Leader of the Year in 2024.
Charlie Life and Leadership Academy
OΔK has partnered with Charlie Life and Leadership Academy, a foremost provider of leadership, career, and self-development training, to provide discounted access to its entire course library. With 21 courses spanning everything from self-discovery to self-mastery in leadership, career, communications, mindset, and much more, Charlie Academy offers high-achieving members the perfect array of courses to meet their individual needs.
Circle officers are encouraged to check out the Charlie courses, and to share this opportunity with circle members, to help enhance the leadership skills of your local circle. Use code CharlieODK23 to access your discount.
O∆K National Headquarters Winter Holiday Hours
The winter holiday break begins next week. Please note that the National Headquarters will be closed during the following times (all times Eastern).
- Close: Wednesday, December 20, 5:30 p.m.
- Reopen: Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
We will be monitoring phone messages (540-458-5336), and email ([email protected]) throughout the holidays.
Happy Holidays!