When speaking to students, professionals, and civic leaders about leadership I usually ask: what do you think leadership actually “is”— or what do leaders “do”? Random musings ensue: “it’s about vision”, “motivating others to do what you want them to do”, “getting failing teams to perform better”, “turning around a dysfunctional company” “giving hope an…
Good leadership takes strong emotional intelligence
This is a guest post by Korrel Kanoy Recently I was asked to speak to ODK members on a college campus. As I pondered my comments, I thought of myself at that age and remembered what I thought leadership entailed – getting things done effectively and on time, organizing others and our work, leading by example…
2012 Clay Grants Awarded
I am pleased to announce that the Awards Committee for Omicron Delta Kappa has completed its selection of the Clay Grant recipients for 2012. This year we had a record number of applications, as thirty-nine Circles applied for the twelve available grants. A complete list of the 2012 Clay Grant recipients is listed below, and…
Honoring Leaders in Our Communities
By Michael Christakis You’ve heard of “all points bulletins,” well how about an “all leaders bulletin?” This blog is aimed at all ODK members – those in school and those at work, those on campuses and those in industry – regardless of where you sit, I want you to help your Circle. Just over a year ago,…
September and October Notes from the Road
By Kelly J. As the O∆K Fellow, I have the pleasure of visiting with our Circles throughout the United States. Traveling to three or four Circles each day I’m on the road, I meet with Circles to learn about O∆K on their campus, help brainstorm ideas for successful membership selections, discuss best practices and inform…
The Friday Letter
By Ken Taylor A Few Words About the Title The Friday Letter began as “A private letter to Circle officers and other leaders…” on October 7, 1988 from O∆K’s second Executive Director, William S. Zerman. During the first two years it was sent weekly, then every other week for several years, until it became a…
Forging Strategic Alliances for the Next Century
Among the most unique characteristics of our Society are the “five phases of campus life” – scholarship, athletics, campus/community service, media/journalism and the performing arts – which we celebrate during initiations at 300 Circles nationally each year. In fact, this past year we celebrated the five phases by honoring Barron Frazier (Hampden-Sydney College), Matthew Horn (Winthrop…